Agent Testimonials: You Can Make a Difference
In a moment, flooding can undo the financial security that took your clients a lifetime to build. As an agent, you can make a difference:
- Talk to your clients about flood risk.
- Inform clients of their flood insurance options.
- Speak with policyholders about mitigation activities in their communities and steps they can take to mitigate flood risk in their home, such as elevating the structure or installing proper flood openings, to help reduce their flood insurance costs.
By making flood insurance your business, you can help protect your clients and community while generating additional revenue.
FloodSmart agent case studies
Learn from agents across the country about how selling flood insurance with the NFIP helps them protect their clients, increase community awareness, and grow their business.
Liability for non-disclosure
As an insurance agent, you have a responsibility to inform your client about all of their risks and what coverage is available, including the risk of flooding. Otherwise, your client may hold you accountable if they didn’t have coverage and were never informed.
The top two Errors and Omissions (E&O) pitfalls are not offering coverage and not offering the right amount of coverage. You can protect yourself from possible E&O-related lawsuits by staying up to date with the latest program changes and attending flood insurance training.
Visit NFIP Services to download the latest insurance manual, sign-up to receive flood insurance bulletins, and to register to take flood insurance workshops and webinars.
You can better help your client understand flood risk by knowing your community’s flood map and seasonal flood risk factors and staying up-to-date with the NFIP.